The trailer for DokeV starts off relatively innocuously. Needless to say, DokeV appears to be a game worth paying attention to at Gamescom and in the months to come. Framed as a Pokemon-like game where players hunt down and capture creatures born from people's dreams, DokeV's trailer revealed a gorgeous open-world adventure with Kingdom Hearts-like graphics and action. Then again, from what I've seen at least on Ship 3 most people seem interested in either creating cosplay characters or females with huge thighs and balloon chests.Dozens of games have been showcased as part of Wednesday's Gamescom Opening Night Live event, but few have shocked as much DokeV. On the other side, yes, the shorter the height, the more risk of someone creating utterly obscene characters raises. Now this problem was partially fixed by simply creating other designs that accommodated the new height limits, and I've seen some nice creations recently.

Some of those designs used the shortest height JP offered, and thus could look wrong when ported to Global.

Also, and as something rather unique to this game, people could make avatars resembling cars, ships and motorcycles.

One of the main gripes some people had, mainly those who had characters in JP, was that they could not copy their characters in a 1:1 way. Height in the JP server went a few cm lower than NA. I still see short characters around though, how short are we talking here? Is the one we have not sufficient? I thought it was fine at first because it's mostly the face that needs work. It's similar to accusing someone of sexual harassment when they've not said anything or done that's unacceptable, and we should treat it as such and treat the word much more seriously. Calling someone a pedophile should be considered a much bigger deal, and no one should find it acceptable to just use it like it's a normal word to use, That is just not right, calling someone a pedophile without any actual reason to believe they are is libel, and should be seen as a big offense. People have accused people of doing or being things that are much tamer than calling people a pedophile in the PSO2/NGS community, yet they get banned quickly for it, but people throwing around the word pedophile to anyone that wants the height change reverted don't have any actions taken against them. People twist their words and make and pretend they said something else and call them a pedophile for simply wanting this change reverted.

I've seen people state their reasons why they believe this height limit change in various different ways, that do not at all implicate them of being a pedophile, yet the GMs and other similar staff for the game and social media platforms associated with it do absolutely nothing about people calling them a pedophile ever. It's never ok to call someone a pedophile when there is no evidence to show that they actually are one. I don't understand why the PSO2/NGS community (and community team) finds it perfectly acceptable to call people a pedophile if they simply want this change reverted. This time I think we need to talk about the terrible things people say to anyone that does want this change reverted. I need to bring this up again, but not because I want to see what people's opinions are about the height limit changes from our version compared to the JP version of the game.